Experience excellent Performance by transforming your lifestyle, intention, food and exercise.
Your Instructor
Welcome to my "All-in" Lifestyle, movement and performance programme". This course is aimed to transform (permanent change) your life.
This course is for you if:
- you woke up one day, turned around and looked in the mirror and said "who is that and what am I doing with my life?"
- want to structure you return to health, gain some fitness capacity and perform better at all the daily tasks in life.
- Chances are this will happen as you approach 50, are on a sabbatical, retire, or come face to face with a crisis.
- I also maintain this is a good programme for any elite level athlete, or weekend warrior who wants to get at, and stay at the next level without burning themselves out (I have done this several times in my sporting career).
- you don't really have to be anywhere near 50 just want a sensible, no gimmicks, sustainable guidelines to navigate this crazy world we find ourselves in.
I could say this is all going to happen in 12 weeks, but, chances are it won't. Although I would like to enforce no alcohol and junk-food, sleeping 8 hours per night, exercise every day and removing useless stressors from your life straight away, I know that post 12 weeks when that sentence is lifted you will revert... and in 24 weeks from starting you will be back to square 1. You changed for the after photo, but it was not permanent. I see this a lot.
So it is a programme to inspire transformation of your lifestyle, intention (mindset), food and exercise (LIFE). I have many activities to raise your awareness and how to action in your life, loosely following a "thoughts-words-deeds" process.
I recognise that I also need to be an example. In being that example I need to speak from the front and also from spending time in the middle and at the bottom. I am no saint, and I am done with failing at being perfect. So this programme is not just theory, much of it is wisdom and I am working at it "every, dam, day" (said with levity).
At the end of the formal part of this programme, which will only really be the beginning of your journey I aim to leave you with an intermediate level of mastery of four navigation tools.
1. Love your life.
2. Calm your mind.
3. Eat real food.
4. Enjoy regular and varied exercise.
So who am I?
For the sake of brevity I will keep my bio for this short.
- 27 years and around 27 000 hours of personal training and holistic lifestyle coaching.
- Represented New Zealand in 10 World Championships in Sport Aerobics including winning a World Mr Fitness title in 2000.
- CHEK Practitioner IV and Holistic lifestyle Coach 3 (the foundation of my approach)
- Shamanic practitioners apprentice
- Eternal student, father, divorced, maintain a curiosity of people, adventure travel and exploration of the mind.
- New Zealand born and bred, living in Hong Kong for 17 years via, Kenya, Vancouver and London.
I welcome you preview some of the course inside, or email me with any questions you have before committing. I only want you to start this course if you are focused on completion, and keeping on the straight and narrow. At some stage you need to rid yourself of the excuses, side step the obstacles and be your own hero. This means "you have to want it!"
I can help you and show you how.
Courses Included with Purchase